Passionate customers make all the difference

Your community of experts is your CX super power, because 88% of consumers trust peer recommendations above all other forms of marketing messaging.

Easily onboard your own Guuru community.


It typically takes 3 weeks in total from engaging your brand community to let them share product advice with consumers.

Implementing the community loader into your eStore only requires a few minutes and no additional maintenance.

Depending if you already have a community relation or not, building a pool of experts may take up to 2 weeks.

Book a consultation call to get a tailored estimate on your timeline.

While you define what level of expertise the Guurus of your community should bring along, you don’t need to worry about the answer quality.

Our AI-based algorithm evaluates each conversation and favours Guurus who have high scoring results in answer quality, topic knowledge, friendliness tone of voice, speed of answer and how helpful their advice was perceived.

You can get real-time insights through the dashboard at any time.

The SmartRouting engine recognises all incoming inquiries and routes them to the best-suited expert of the community.

Guurus enjoy sharing their passion for the products, services or brands they’re passionate about. Guurus can also choose when they want to accept incoming requests via the GUURU app.

They get incentivised for the time they take to offer support-seeking consumers helpful advice in a fast, authentic way.

Our customers incentivise their Guurus for every high-quality chat using reward programs or monetary compensation.

By using the experts of your community you can build fully scalable product advice that is authentic, passionate, available 24/7 and instantly accessible.

The average response time for a Guuru is under 60 seconds. Why? Our algorithm automatically routes incoming inquiries to Guurus who are online and who consistently offer fast responses.

The algorithm also downgrades Guurus with slow response times, ensuring fast Guurus, with helpful answers and good chat ratings, get the majority of incoming requests.

Once qualified as a Guuru, he or she agrees to the terms and conditions of offering customer advice, your company is not legally responsible for the advice the Guuru offers your customer.

You can, however, view and manage all chats from your Partner portal.